
No More Turns.

Complete all base game Civilization VI trophies.

Ultra Rare


Game, Settler, Match

Win a regular game at Settler difficulty or harder



Machiavelli's Great Work

Win a regular game at Prince difficulty or harder




Win a regular game at Deity difficulty

Ultra Rare


Mission to Mars

Win a regular game with a Science victory on any difficulty with any leader

Very Rare



Win a regular game with a Religious victory on any difficulty with any leader

Very Rare


Blue Jeans and Pop Music

Win a regular game with a Culture victory on any difficulty with any leader.

Very Rare


Veni, vidi, vici

Win a regular game with a Domination victory on any difficulty with any leader

Very Rare


Land Party

Play a multiplayer game



District 12

Build every district type in one city and the Colosseum

Ultra Rare


Escort Service

Put two units into a formation



If You Build It, They Will Come

Have 6 Improvements at one time.



Voyage of the Mayflower

Found or conquer a city on a different continent



Everything is Awesome!!!

At the start of the turn have an Ecstatic city.



Investment Banking

Have an enemy city under siege at the start of the turn



A Case for War

Declare a formal war



Naming Rights

Name a unit



A Revolution Without Dancing

Change your government



New Orleans Style Spanish Rice

Become Suzerain of a City-State



Gift From the Storm God

Receive a Strategic Resource from Hattusa



Attack of the Drop Bear

Lose a unit to the perils of Australia in the Outback Tycoon scenario

Ultra Rare


Legends of the Hidden Temple

Build a Colossal Head adjacent to a Holy Site with a Temple.

Ultra Rare


Army of Cthulhu

Levy the military of Nan Madol

Ultra Rare


Crouching Tiger Hidden Cannon

Playing as China, end a turn with 5 Crouching Tigers on Great Wall tiles

Ultra Rare


Walk Like an Egyptian

As Egypt build a Sphinx adjacent to the Pyramids both on Floodplains

Ultra Rare


12 Olympians

Have 12 Policy Slots as Greece

Ultra Rare


Flight Slingulator

Airlift a level 3 Slinger

Ultra Rare


Missed That Day in History Class

Clear nuclear contamination with a Roman Legion

Ultra Rare


Nobody Expects the Spanish Inquisition

Launch an Inquisition as Spain

Ultra Rare


The Origin of Species

Activate Darwin adjacent to the Galapagos Islands

Ultra Rare


Oneth By Land Twoeth By Sea

Have an Army of land Units and 2 Armadas

Very Rare


Archimedes Bath

Get 5 Tech boosts in 1 turn



Civ 6 Civets System

Get 5 Civic boosts in 1 turn

Ultra Rare



Drop a nuke with a bomber launched from a base on the Nena continent with 9 Observation Balloons.

Ultra Rare


Pizza Party!

Activate Leonardo in New York City with a sewer and art from Michaelango and Donatello.

Ultra Rare


Repo Man

Steal a Great Work of Art and don't get caught

Very Rare


Man on the Moon

Win a Science victory with a captured Egyptian city after activating Newton and Darwin.

Ultra Rare


We Are The Champions

Win a religious victory with the Zoroastrianism religion while being Suzerain of Zanzibar.

Ultra Rare



Win a regular game with a Culture victory with your leader in the game as your opponent as well

Ultra Rare


Silver Anniversary

Possess 6 Silver luxury resources at the start of the turn

Ultra Rare


More Wind for the Wind God

Win Gifts of the Nile on any difficulty

Ultra Rare


Overclocked Conviction

After building the Jebel Barkal wonder, earn 28 Faith per turn on its tile

Ultra Rare


Pyramid Scheme

As Nubia, earn six different adjacency bonuses on a Nubian Pyramid

Ultra Rare


What is Mind? No Matter. 

Win the Path to Nirvana scenario on any difficulty

Ultra Rare


Wat is Love

Build Angkor Wat and a Wat in Angkor Wat

Ultra Rare


Try To Snatch the Pebble From My Hand 

Have a Warrior Monk with 4 Promotions

Ultra Rare



Build a Golf Course in a tile where a Wonder was started, but built by another Civ

Ultra Rare



Achieve the maximum Alliance level with Gilgamesh

Ultra Rare



Gain control of an Ally's city after it becomes disloyal, and choose to keep it

Ultra Rare


Dark Horse

Win the game while in a Dark Age

Ultra Rare


Displaying Items 1 - 50 of 98 in total