

Transform into the Strike Suit for the first time.



Strike Suit Evolved

Unlock an upgrade.



Strike Suit Combo

Destroy 5 targets at once in Strike Mode.



Lucky Strike

Destroy a Black Fleet interceptor with rockets.

Ultra Rare


Strike Three

Kill 3 or more targets with a single blast of the Raptor's cannon.

Ultra Rare


Shoot The Moon

You can shoot the moon, we’re just not telling you how.

Ultra Rare


Strike Fast

Complete the last mission in less than 7 minutes.

Ultra Rare


Save Earth

Reach the end of the game.

Very Rare


Save Earth's Future

Get a better ending.

Ultra Rare



Unlock everything.

Ultra Rare


Obey Control

No Win Scenario. Die by ramming into a torpedo or hull of a ship.

Ultra Rare


Exit Simulation

Beat the Heroes Of The Fleet campaign.

Ultra Rare


Take One For The Team

Survive a direct torpedo hit in the Marauder.

Ultra Rare
