Major Collection UI update

July is slowly creeping and we're nowhere near finishing what we planned before release date :(

Anyway, today's update revolves around the Collection overview which has been re-designed based on your feedback. So thank you, a lot!

Without further ado, here's a breakdown of the major changes alongside some screenshots.

  • Change for improved text legibility of any text that overlaps the game cover
  • A new way of associating a collection with its game. You should start, hopefully, see fewer missing games for your collections. We also temporarily removed the ability to manually fix an incorrect match. We will keep an eye and see how the new matching algorithm works.
  • Changed the way we show the stats of a Collection and they are now enclosed in boxes which should improve their readability
  • Enhanced the Platinum trophy punch card for PlayStation Collections
  • You can now see a breakdown of PlayStation Trophies instead of just how many trophies you have
  • New stat additions for First Played at and Last Played at
  • Fix the Time played stat which should now show the right breakdown. Ex: 25 hours now shows 1 day and 1 hour instead of 2 days

As always, I hope you like this new update and any new feedback is more than welcomed through our usual channels.

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